The Inventory Battleground: Increasing Supply Chain Complexity
IHL’s latest report on the future of grocery shows some hard lessons learned from the 2020 disruptions, especially when it comes to inventory accuracy. Out-of-stocks (OOS) have always plagued the grocery industry, but the rise of digital shopping last year exposed some new causes for…
ICON Session Recap: TRAXION’s E-Commerce-Calibre Services and Digital Supply Chain Execution Solutions
During ICON 2021, I had the pleasure to speak with Nestor del Rio, Logistics Director at TRAXION Logistics, a leading transportation and logistics company based in Mexico, during the session “E-Commerce-Calibre Services and Digital Supply Chain Execution Solutions.” Here is a recap of the key…
Launching BYourself
Mike Boughton has been with Blue Yonder for a decade and is also the associate resource group (ARG) lead for the new Blue Yonder ARG BYourself (our ‘BY’ ‘take’ on Be Yourself – BYourself!). This ARG aims to bolster support, affirmation, and equality for our…
Part 2, Insights from the 2021 Logistics Executive Survey: The New Normal of Logistics
Our recently launched 2021 Logistics Executive Survey aims to seek out the “New Normal of Logistics.” The survey tracks the pulse of the market as logistics operations are emerging from the COVID-19 pandemic to periods of adjustments, redefinition, and eventually a new equilibrium. In Part…
This Pride Month, I’m Respecting the Privilege of Coming Out
Every year as Pride month comes around, I talk a lot about courage. As a gay man who grew up on a dirt road in rural Louisiana during the ‘80s, I’ve needed enormous amounts of courage my entire life — the courage to stand up…
Three Ways Retailers Can Succeed in a Post-Pandemic World
In many parts of the world, but unfortunately not all, consumers are seeing a light at the end of the tunnel. After nearly 15 months of minimizing and even avoiding shopping trips to protect their health, consumers are making their way back to the outside…
Is America’s Glow-Up Causing a Supply Chain Shortage?
The U.S. is experiencing a big glow-up. What’s a glow-up, you ask? It’s when a person goes through a transformation of any type and is feeling better about themselves physically, emotionally or mentally. With vaccinations on the rise and more people re-entering public life, we’re…
Retail’s Pandemic Pivot: Fact or Fiction?
Remember in 2020 when we were all told there’d be murder hornets? But alas, no murder hornets arrived. On the other hand, the 17-year cicadas — despite sounding like a biblical plague — are somehow quite real and emerging all across the Midwest. And there’s…
The Perfect Opportunity
What if someone told you that you could have a role where you intermix all the things you’re passionate about in one? That’s exactly what Corwin Tobias found at Blue Yonder and a big reason he’s so glad he took the leap to move cross-country…
Insights from the 2021 Logistics Executive Survey: The New Normal of Logistics
Our recently launched 2021 Logistics Executive Survey aims to seek out the “New Normal of Logistics.” The survey tracks the pulse of the market as logistics operations are emerging from the COVID-19 pandemic to periods of adjustments, redefinition, and eventually a new equilibrium. This is…