The New Associate
There will be a new generation of associates entering the workforce post-COVID-19. Organizations need to be prepared for their changing expectations so they can continue to engage and retain their employees. This generation of workers understands and values technology.
Crisis Response Part 2: Visibility and Planning
With a pandemic like COVID-19, the information available and necessary responses are rapidly changing. Our new normal might differ from before, but we can adapt and learn from it to better support our customers and associates. There are 3 key factors to keep in mind during and after this public health crisis for labor demand and scheduling:
How Workforce Management Can Strengthen Warehouse Productivity Despite Limited Resources [Video]
Warehouse managers are tasked with improving productivity and customer service despite limited resources. This requires the ability to dynamically create schedules that meet the needs of customers, the organization, and the workforce. To optimally achieve this, JDA has natively integrated its Workforce Management and Warehouse…
How Workforce Management Can Lead to Productivity & Retention Among Employees [Video]
Two huge challenges warehouse managers face are retaining skilled workers and cost optimization. To accomplish this, managers must engage the workforce and become the workplace of choice while driving productivity improvement. In this video, Fab Brasca explains how JDA’s Workforce Management solution supports these goals…
3 Ways JDA’s Workforce Management Supports Retailers [Video]
Three of the biggest workforce challenges facing retailers today are engaging workers on their terms, dealing with the evolving nature of the workforce, and employing new technologies to drive the innovation necessary to attract and retain today’s younger, more dynamic workforce. In this video, Fab…
The Integrated Workforce in the Warehouse
Work in the warehouse is changing rapidly. Fulfilling e-commerce demand direct to consumers, shipping smaller, more frequent orders to customers, and integrating robotics and advanced automation mean there is no more “business as usual.” Today, distribution managers don’t have time to create manual work schedules…