24 Apr 2024

The Importance of Continuous Learning

Michael Prim runs the Service First initiative at Blue Yonder, which aims to provide guidance to key players within Blue Yonder on what it means to be SaaS (Software-as-a-Service). A student worker at Blue Yonder in 2009 while receiving his PhD in physics, Michael shares…


I Don’t Like Equality

Who would argue against everyone being treated the same? Well, I would actually. I don’t like equality. Treating everybody exactly the same way sounds like a good idea, but when you suddenly find yourself disadvantaged or excluded because “it’s the same for everyone,” then you…


Coping with Burnout

The other night I couldn’t sleep. I had irrational worries about things I thought I should have completed the day before at work. I laid there thinking about this and other things swarmed in alongside it. I remembered I had forgotten to put my dustbin…