Operational efficiency cannot happen in silos anymore. The modern supply chain is too complex to make changes without considering the effects it will have on every other stage. Companies know this, but making holistic changes seems too overwhelming, so they prolong any major upgrades. 

Unfortunately, there’s no more time to wait. Companies must modernize their operations to be competitive or profitable. The good news, however, is the changes aren’t nearly as complicated as they are powerful. With the right solutions partner, companies can transform their business into an intelligent, agile, and profitable operation.  

Planning improves with predictive AI capabilities 

A growing number of factors influence the accuracy of supply and demand planning. Everything from changes in supplier availability to geopolitical issues force companies to update their plans to avoid risk and extra costs.  

As diligent as employees are, it’s impossible to keep track of every variable without the support of an intelligent tool. AI collects, organizes, and understands every factor that might impact the ability to schedule and sequence production runs. What’s more, AI tools allow operators to make decisions with the most accurate, up-to-date information.  

The two ways to make a company more efficient are by streamlining operations or reducing mistakes. Modernizing the supply chain to be powered by AI tools improves both simultaneously.  

Make precise decisions to ensure customer loyalty 

Of course, risks do not disappear once a product leaves the warehouse. Changing customer behavior remains one of the biggest obstacles for manufacturers across industries. Automotive customers, for example, want the ability to customize their cars without waiting for extended periods of time. Similarly, retail customers are more concerned than ever with how and with what their goods are produced.  

Companies must balance the myriad customer demands with the restrictions of an efficient warehouse. Companies need transparency, more than just visibility, into their entire supply chain. That means not simply seeing what is happening throughout the supply chain, but crucially, knowing what to do about the changes.  

A modernized solution recognizes new information and updates its recommendations accordingly. Operators can make decisions quickly and with precision to keep customers happy and profits high.  

Proactively work through disruptions 

The final important reason companies need to modernize their supply chain solutions in 2025 is to avoid reactionary decisions. True operational efficiency includes those times when the unexpected happens, not just when everything goes to plan.  

Using powerful AI solutions, operators can model potential scenarios, based on comprehensive data sets, to build proactive strategies that mitigate risk. More critically, these strategies can be integrated into the solution so early warning signs are identified and escalated as necessary.  

New issues will arise hourly in the manufacturing industry. We can’t change that, but we can use what we know, our collective experience, and access to infinite data to ensure that those disruptions don’t derail our operations. That is the philosophy of a modernized manufacturing company.  

Learn more about Blue Yonder’s plan to improve efficiency 

Blue Yonder is on a mission to transform the supply chain landscape empowering businesses navigate the complexities and volatilities of the modern supply chain.  

Our end-to-end platform and digital network create an interconnected ecosystem, breaking down silos and enabling seamless collaboration among trading partners. This integration ensures that planning, execution, and collaboration are streamlined, allowing businesses to swiftly adapt to changing market conditions and customer demands. The result is increased productivity and profitability.  

Discover how our latest product updates advance this mission with AI and ML capabilities enhancements for Integrated Demand & Supply Planning.   

Read the news release here.