08 Feb 2025
Innovation, Logistics, Manufacturing

Changing Perspectives on Warehouse and Logistics For Dramatic Increase in Operational Efficiency 

While crafting strategies for operational efficiency, executives face the single most unpredictable challenge: consumer behavior. Trends appear (and disappear) faster, and with more intensity, in recent years. Complicated logistics routes or unexpected defects can create a domino of issues for warehouse and logistic efficiency.  …


The Five “Must Haves” for an Advanced Production Scheduling Solution 

Today’s large-scale manufacturing supply chains are more geographically distributed than ever. They produce more diverse, customized products than ever. Operating costs are skyrocketing. Material shortages are creating supply uncertainty. And manufacturers are facing unprecedented demand volatility.  Creating predictable, stable, and profitable production plans under these…

Manufacturing, SaaS, Supply Chain

Driving Responsiveness and Profitability via Flexible Production Planning: Three Customer Case Studies 

Many of the challenges faced by the world’s automotive and equipment manufacturers can be mitigated via flexible production planning. By digitalizing and automating their production planning processes, manufacturers can respond faster and more profitably when confronted with demand variability, materials shortages, logistics roadblocks and other…

Industry Insights, Manufacturing

Forget the Crystal Ball. Instead, Link Forecasting Directly to Production Planning.

As the global automotive industry transitions from primarily producing internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles to including electric vehicles (EVs) and hybrids, we’re witnessing a true transformation. This transformation delivers many benefits, including increased sustainability, but it also creates demand-planning and production-planning challenges. To profitably serve…

Industry Insights, Manufacturing, Supply Chain

Ensuring Predictable Production Amid the Unpredictable Challenges of the Auto Industry

In October 2024, a team from Blue Yonder attended the automotiveIT Kongress, held at the Vienna House Andel’s Berlin. The largest industry gathering of automotive and IT professionals in Germany, the automotiveIT Kongress featured lectures, panel discussions, best practices, deep-dive sessions, an awards presentation, and…

Industry Insights, Manufacturing, Technology

Facing Industrial Manufacturing’s Dilemma: Nailing Down Forecasting Accuracy

It’s been two centuries since the Industrial Revolution transformed manufacturing, introducing machines that automated production and unlocked unprecedented efficiencies. But in the last decade, the industrial manufacturing sector has encountered a new wave of challenges and disruptions. From fluctuating demand and rising costs to material…