Advanced Order Management: The Key to Wholesale Distribution Success
Recently, Blue Yonder released the findings of its survey of wholesale distribution executives1, which focused on their order management challenges, goals and forward-looking plans. While this blog provides an overview of our key findings, the complete results are summarized in our new e-book, “Distribution Executives…
People-Centric Transformations, Building Sustainable Supply Chains and Cognition – The Next Frontier in Supply Chains
Highlights from the High-Tech Industry Summit Blue Yonder’s High-Tech Industry Summit, cosponsored by Microsoft and Ernst & Young LLP, brought together over 50 supply chain practitioners from 18 diverse high-tech companies to Microsoft’s Technology Center in Mountain View, California, in October. This annual event, which facilitates sharing…
What if Your ERP Never Gets Out of the ER?
How to transform your supply chain (without waiting for your ERP to recover) Wholesale distribution and manufacturing (WD&M) has entered a new era where agility, speed and accuracy are no longer nice-to-haves, but rather uncompromising must-haves for meeting the new omni-channel B2B customer expectation. Once…
5 Lucrative Value-Added Services for Wholesale Distribution and Manufacturing
Over the last five years, B2B commerce has experienced one of the most significant inflection points in its history. Seismic shifts in buying behavior and customer expectations have fundamentally changed the rules of engagement. Omni-channel has been firmly positioned as the new industry standard, forcing…
Transforming the Automotive Supply Chain: It’s Time to Be Brave
The automotive industry has shown itself to be brave in recent times, in all areas but one: the supply chain. In order for logistics, procurement and distribution to align with the general advancements of the industry itself, these critical areas must give in to a…
“Never Let a Good Crisis Go to Waste” – Key Insights from the Automotive Logistics
“Never let a good crisis go to waste.» – Sir Winston Churchill Having just returned from the 2023 Automotive Logistics and Supply Chain Global conference in Detroit, these words are very fitting to encapsulate the essence of the event. It was indeed an honor to…
Navigating the Future: Insights from the FMI Supply Chain Forum
The 2023 FMI Supply Chain Forum brought together professionals from various sectors, including retail, consumer packaged goods (CPG), manufacturing, and third-party logistics, to discuss the pressing issues and opportunities in the food industry. Having attended the event, I’ll delve into key takeaways from the forum…
Surviving and Thriving in Times of Low Growth: A Guide for the Future of Manufacturing
“Out of the chip pan and into the fire” must be a recurring feeling among manufacturers – across 2022 and into 2023 – as a proposed rebound following the eye of the COVID-19 pandemic storm has been usurped by a host of new and evolving…
Data Optimization Is in the Spotlight at ICON
ICON 2023, the annual Blue Yonder customer conference held May 2-5, 2023, in Las Vegas, will address the most pressing challenges facing supply chain professionals today. One of those urgent challenges is optimal data management — and few people are more qualified to discuss this…
ICON 2023: Manufacturing’s New Tomorrow
ICON 2023 is Blue Yonder’s annual customer conference and premier supply chain event, where practitioners and decision-makers exchange insights about their transformation journeys If you are in the manufacturing field, why should you attend this year’s event? I spoke with Blue Yonder’s Hong Mo Yang,…