The annual International Day of Charity is observed on the 5th of September. The prime purpose of the day is to raise awareness and provide a common platform for charity-related activities all over the world. The day serves as a reminder that simple acts of charity can alleviate the worst effects of humanitarian crises and create more inclusive and resilient societies.
In this DIVE blog, BYonders share what charitable work means to them:
“To me volunteering is like taking an energy pill! I genuinely enjoy community work as this gives me a lot of personal satisfaction – this is the give back with gratitude time! Thanks to Blue Yonder, I’ve had the opportunity to lead and participate in many CSR, share, and green initiatives. I will cherish these experiences all my life, be it meeting the little children with cute smiling faces during notebook/ clothes/ food donation drives and giving them pep talks, spending quality time with the elderly at senior living facilities, blanket donation drives to people on the streets during the chilling winter nights in Hyderabad along with my husband and friends, seeing our associates experience the joy of donating blood, and serving water at our kiosk during the hot summers – nothing can beat this feeling! I look forward to more such experiences🙏 Gratitude 🙏😊” – Mrudula Inukonda, Project Director – Professional Development, Bangalore, India
“No words can explain the happiness when a request is fulfilled. Helping to make a small difference in someone’s life, gives immense joy and satisfaction. Also, it helps cultivate a sense of community. “ – Anitha Kattalakshmi, Senior Manager – IT, Hyderabad, India
“I always believe that the biggest gift you can give anyone is ‘your time’ and that time spent helping others or giving back to society in whatever small way is a fulfilling feeling that is unparalleled. Giving back is also a great way to connect, not only with fellow human beings but directly with the universe.” – Prashant Memani, Senior Practice Director – Cloud, Bangalore, India
“I volunteer at 5 Loaves Food Pantry and the North Texas Food Bank because 1 in every 5 kids in North Texas is food insecure.” – Stacy Vore, Senior Sales Operations Director – Dallas, Texas
“When I was 8 years old, a little girl like me walked into our classroom and told her story. Towards the end she left a card on each of our desks. It was from CRY – Child Relief and You. I wondered and asked mum that evening, to which she replied, ‘Keep sharing your love whenever you see anyone who needs it and do it genuinely!’ This virtue began then and never left me. I’m grateful to Blue Yonder for letting me live that virtue in all totality and believing in me and what I yearn to do for society.” – Kranthi Remala, Staff Software Engineer, Hyderabad, India
“I volunteered at Phoenix Children’s Hospital Camp Rainbow, a week-long camp for children who have, or have had cancer or a chronic blood disorder. I helped plan the camp and activities, recruited and interviewed volunteers, and had the privilege of working with these kids for the week. This experience gives the kids time away from their disease and lets them focus on being a kid!” – David Schwartz, Project Director – Professional Development, Scottsdale, Arizona