Blue Yonder Associates Share Compliments That Have Inspired Them
National Compliment Day is Jan. 24 and it is a great opportunity to give someone extra kudos to brighten their day. In fact, according to several studies conducted to better understand how individuals felt before and after giving or receiving compliments, the mood of both the person giving and the person receiving the compliment improved! We asked Blue Yonder associates to share a compliment they received that has stuck with them and how it has inspired them. Here are some of the responses we received:
“You’re a blessing that keeps on giving.”
This was a compliment I received from a C-level executive while working for another tech company. That compliment keeps me going to this today. He reconfirmed my self-worth, and let me know that I am a truly valued member of the team and company. It’s my motivation to do the very best I can. – Kelly Campos
I received the best compliment of my life recently when this article was published about my son. Is the compliment about me? Not really, but as a parent, you work hard for your kids – you never know if it’s too much or too little. Are you too hard or too soft? You make mistakes, lots of them – and you never know if how much your mistakes will impact them. You hope and pray and dream that your baby (that suddenly is a 6’2”, 17-year-old teenager) will have grit and determination and find resilience to get through the hard parts of life and to win the battle for their dreams and goals. This article written about my son is the best compliment I have ever received. – Tammy Kulesa
I think a lot of LGBTQ+ folks, myself included, grow up with an unattainable desire to be perfect as a way to compensate for being “othered.” Then I remember my husband telling me early on in our relationship that he loved me because of my flaws, not despite them. That one compliment was a complete mind-shift for me and started a glorious unraveling and unlearning of perfectionism. Now, when I make a mistake, I am much gentler on myself and can dust myself off easier — instead of diving head-first into a spiral of shame and embarrassment. (And for the record, that compliment was the exact moment I knew I’d marry him.) – Bryant Miller
I received a compliment from a friend when beginning to navigate my divorce: “Remember your girls would not be the most beautiful, intelligent, kind, patient and loving woman and mini woman they are today without your example of being the same beautiful, intelligent, kind, patient and loving human you are.”
It really meant the world to me and helped me see things from a different perspective especially when my daughters were coming to terms with my ex and I separating for good. It inspired me every day to be patient with them and allowed me to see myself in a way that I had not recognized. It gave me strength that I was doing the right thing even if things hurt in the moment. Not a lot of people know what I have been through in this last couple of years, but this compliment has sustained me through some very anguished moments. – Liz Jorgensen
I received a framed poster as a departing gift from my team several years ago. The compliment was the inscription: “Thank you for being a compassionate leader, a loyal friend and mentor to us all.” It brings a tear to my eye every time I read it. – Dave Hamilton
The best compliment I ever received was that I have perfect pitch! This compliment was given to me by my violin instructors and orchestra teachers growing up. It inspired me because while I wasn’t always the most precise player, my musicality and intonation allowed me to succeed in auditions and concerts. It continues to drive me to pick up the violin today to keep up this hobby and talent! – Ellie Hislop
One of my most memorable compliments I received was when I was 13-years-old from one of my very inspiring teachers, Mr. G. Jayanand: “The way you have conducted my farewell function was simply superb, splendid and marvelous. I was greatly honoured, and wish to tell you, how happy and grateful I feel, and I am, for your dynamic, resourceful and radiant leadership. I am supremely impressed and profoundly grateful. I always uphold you and your home in my fervent prayers.”
He has always been a source of inspiration and I always looked forward to meeting him every year at my school reunion. Every time we met, he remembered his students by name with fond love and affection. Sadly, he passed away two years ago. His words of encouragement have also given me strength to do new things, take on new challenges, yet remain humble and at ease. – Swati Malik