Amanda Dyson has been with Blue Yonder for 12 years, starting first at the company’s corporate office in Scottsdale then relocating with her family to North Carolina and working remotely. When the “Great Resignation” came calling recently, Amanda chose a different path — to stay with the company she loves! She shares how she shifted gears and took on a new role within a different team and how the company helped support her transition.
What’s your role at Blue Yonder and how long have you worked here?
Currently I’m a Senior Director, Go-to-Market Strategy for NA Alliances. I’ve been in the role for about 6 months. Prior to that I was the Senior Director for NA Demand Generation within Marketing; I’ve had several marketing roles in my 12+ year career at Blue Yonder.
Marketing to Alliances? Those sound like two very different teams. How did you come to make the change and what was your reason for doing so?
Well, it’s funny. I think like a lot of us in a time that’s becoming known as the ‘Great Resignation,’ I’ve thought a lot about my career, my goals and my future and what I want that to look like either at Blue Yonder, or honestly, elsewhere. I think the pandemic has impacted every facet of our lives and made us look at things differently, maybe even reprioritize. In the last few years I’ve also had children and that now factors into my decision making too. What’s important to me? What do I want to teach them? What do I really want out of my next 20-30 years as a working mom / woman. I found myself wanting a change, but not in the way some might expect for a new mom. Becoming a mom grew me and showed me I have even more to offer. I’ve always been very goal-driven. When I set out to do something, I do it. I wanted to lean into that and explore new challenges in my career. I wanted to see what else I was capable of.
Ok, so you wanted a change, but how did you go about making it happen? Is moving teams and departments as easy as that?
I was really open and vocal about what I wanted, where I saw myself, how I wanted to get there and when. I made plans with my manager. We bounced different scenarios and ideas off one another. Things didn’t always happen on my time, but we worked together and I always felt very supported, encouraged and empowered. I talked to other leaders in the company as well. That’s one thing at Blue Yonder I have come to value immensely. The leadership I have here is a big part of why I stay. That, and I know I am valued. I didn’t know I wanted to join the Alliances team, necessarily. But the opportunity was presented to me, and I was open to hearing it.
It sounds like Blue Yonder provides a supportive environment for people to do what they love and a career path / plan to get there. Would you say that’s true?
Based on my experience, I 100% agree with that statement. Blue Yonder has so many talented associates, and we’re hiring all the time. The company doesn’t want to lose good people because they get too comfortable or are just looking for a change. At least for the teams I have worked with, they are always presenting opportunities for leadership, career development, professional and personal growth. And keep in mind, the last two years, that’s all been done virtually! The fact that I can still say I feel very connected to this company, valued, supported, challenged, rewarded and heard with everything we’ve been faced with, I think speaks volumes.
What do you love about your role now? Is there anything you’d change about your journey to get here?
I love that I’m using my marketing prowess and leadership ability in a different capacity, all while growing a new muscle and learning a new side of the business. I’m making myself more of an asset and expanding my knowledge, and getting paid to do it. Marketing is a support function (the most fun support function, but I’m biased!), but Alliances is a Sales function. I feel closer to the business, more strategic, more nimble to impact different teams and areas of the business, and I truly feel like a SME that’s been put in a position to make change and grow the company. I feel like a boss!
In terms of my journey — absolutely not. I wouldn’t change a thing because the path I took led me here. As cheesy as that sounds! I’ve had amazing leaders, coaches and teams. I’ve hired next-gen BYers that are going to run this company one day and I’m blessed that I’m still here to see them do it because Blue Yonder made it possible and favorable for me to stick around. Who knows, maybe I’ll try on new department and role in another 12 years. But for now, I’m happy to work for a company that values its employees, listens and takes action. It means the world.
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