An Old Soul Blazing Her Way in Modern World
Jennifer Pesut is a senior product manager at…
3PLs and the Trials of COVID-19
This blog was co-authored by Kirk Waldrop. Bl…
Strategic Pricing for Fashion Retailers in Times of Uncertainty
As fashion retailers are reopening around the…
Stepping Forward to Meet Opportunity
In this week’s Wednesdays for Women, we inter…
How COVID-19 is Transforming Automotive and Industrial Supply Chains
Automotive and industrial manufacturing plants are being shuttered around the world, which has affected not just the OEMs but also their Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3 suppliers.
Fashion Retailers Could Be Left Paying the Price If They Don’t Take Advantage of AI
Setting the right price has always been a com…
A Common Career Thread
Milissa Epps is director of industry solution…
Bringing It All Together: Category Management and Supply Chain with Blue Yonder
In this video blog, I will discuss and explore the changes and an end-to-end supply chain integration as a wholistic process leveraging category management, supply chain planning, logistics, and store operations that are supported on the Blue Yonder Platform.
The New Associate
There will be a new generation of associates entering the workforce post-COVID-19. Organizations need to be prepared for their changing expectations so they can continue to engage and retain their employees. This generation of workers understands and values technology.
Reflecting on the Importance of Mothers During COVID-19
I guess you can call me a mamma’s boy. I talk…