The Importance of Having a Risk Tolerance
Denise Miller, JDA’s chief transformation officer, is no stranger to taking calculated risks and pushing her teams to do the same. She shares how an education that began in pre-med led her to become a strong sales leader (the answer ‘why’ may surprise you!), the…
Career Progression Amid Personal Challenges
Margie Jones has been with JDA for nearly 24 years and has evolved her role throughout the HR organization at JDA – from HR representative all the way to her current role today, as vice president of compensation and benefits. She shares how important it…
Initiating and Leading Business Change
Today’s Wednesdays for Women post is part of an occasional series titled “Lessons from Leaders,” featuring insights that can help anyone looking to grow their career and leadership skills. In today’s blog, Trish Dutton, Solutions Director in Consulting Services and member of the JDA Winning…
Tres maneras en que los minoristas están ayudando al planeta
Es oficial: los millennials son el segmento de clientes más grande y están evolucionando el entorno minorista de una manera más sustentable. Los compradores están comprometidos con sus valores y quieren comprar productos de marcas alineados a ellos. De acuerdo con la Federación Nacional de…
Predict What’s Next in Category Management
Ever wish you could peer into the future and see what’s coming next? To better understand what technology investments are being prioritized to reach the modern shopper, we surveyed more than 130 category management and merchandising professionals as part of this year’s Voice of the…
Taking Risks that Pay Off
Jen Colley is a senior solution architect at JDA and has been on both sides of the fence – working at a retailer and now at JDA, working closely with customers to get their category management deployments up and running. She shares with us how…
Embrace Opportunity
Michelle Eisenberg is vice president of Legal, deputy general counsel and head of Legal for the EMEA region at JDA. She has a rich upbringing, born in Israel, moving to the UK and then spending a few years in South Africa, just at the time…
3 Ways Fresh Retailers are Helping the Planet
It’s official. Millennials are the largest consumer block and they’re moving the retail environment forward in a more sustainable way. Shoppers are focused on their core values and want to buy from the brands that are in perfect alignment with them. According to the National…
Steps to Realizing Your Leadership Potential
This Wednesdays for Women is another article in the “Lessons from Leaders” series featuring ideas from JDA leaders on topics of interest to anyone seeking insights and experiences that can help them grow their own leadership skills. In today’s blog, Sangeeta Bajaj, senior director, strategic…
Think Backwards
Today’s Wednesdays for Women blog is an insightful conversation with Cheryl Williams, CIO at Wakefern Food. Cheryl recently stood on mainstage at NRF 2019 with Desikan Madhavanur, JDA’s Executive Vice President and Chief Development Officer and Professor Dr. Michael Feindt, founder of Blue Yonder, to…