Nueva encuesta de Blue Yonder y Microsoft revela cómo la inteligencia artificial y la automatización están moviendo a los minoristas
No es ningún secreto que el mercado minorista esté experimentando cambios fundamentales y que, conforme el auge del comercio electrónico vaya cambiando la manera como compramos, muchos minoristas deberán esforzarse para mantenerse al día con estos nuevos retos. Los comportamientos de compra están evolucionando más…
Navigating Difficult Conversations
Today Wednesdays for Women is another in our occasional series titled “Lessons from Leaders” featuring learnings from JDA leaders on topics of interest to anyone seeking insights and experiences that can help them grow their own leadership skills. In today’s blog, Claudia Kraft, senior consulting…
Welcome to 2019: 5 Retail Trends You Need to Know Now
It’s a new year and retail is moving faster—finally we’re seeing retailers looking in the right direction—up. A unified commerce environment, an on-demand marketplace, social media, growing competition and new technologies mean an evolution in the way we shop. Everything is changing – from pricing…