The Rise of Outsourced Logistics: What it Means for LSPs
Driven by omni-channel growth and multinational expansion, the global logistics industry is booming — and it’s expected to reach $18 trillion in value by 2030. While market growth is exciting, it’s typically accompanied by growing pains. As the size and scale of their worldwide supply…
Forget the Crystal Ball. Instead, Link Forecasting Directly to Production Planning.
As the global automotive industry transitions from primarily producing internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles to including electric vehicles (EVs) and hybrids, we’re witnessing a true transformation. This transformation delivers many benefits, including increased sustainability, but it also creates demand-planning and production-planning challenges. To profitably serve…
Ensuring Predictable Production Amid the Unpredictable Challenges of the Auto Industry
In October 2024, a team from Blue Yonder attended the automotiveIT Kongress, held at the Vienna House Andel’s Berlin. The largest industry gathering of automotive and IT professionals in Germany, the automotiveIT Kongress featured lectures, panel discussions, best practices, deep-dive sessions, an awards presentation, and…
Blue Yonder’s Key Takeaways from the 2024 Gartner® Supply Chain Planning Summit
Last week, a team from Blue Yonder attended the 2024 Gartner® Supply Chain Planning Summit in London. The theme of this year’s conference was “Generating Value Together: Beyond Accuracy, Toward Intelligence.” In our opinion, while forecast accuracy used to be the number one priority for…
How Cooperative Supply Chains Are Transforming Retail and Logistics
This blog has been adapted from a talk given at the Leaders in Logistics: Last Mile event. In the past, meeting up with friends meant setting a specific time and place and hoping everyone showed up as planned. In today’s world, we continuously update one…
5 Steps for Retailers to Optimize Marketplace Returns and Protect Their Brand
In our last marketplaces post, we covered why many retailers are establishing marketplaces for third-party sellers to offer their products through. The opportunities for growth are undeniable, but there are challenges to overcome to maximize the marketplace approach. Foremost among them is the question of…
Why Retailer-Owned Marketplaces are Taking Over – and What to Watch Out For
The number of retailer-owned third-party marketplaces, in which retailers list products from other sellers within their platform or website, has risen over the past few years. Many big-name retailers now have their own marketplace platforms, including Tesco, Boots, Superdrug, B&Q, and The Range in the…
Retailers Beware: Returns Fraud on the Rise As Criminals Get More Creative
Returns already have a significant impact on retailers’ bottom line. National Retail Federation (NRF) data reveals that for every $1 billion in sales, retailers incur an average of $145 million in merchandise returns. To make matters worse, returns fraud is also on the rise. Last…
Facing Industrial Manufacturing’s Dilemma: Nailing Down Forecasting Accuracy
It’s been two centuries since the Industrial Revolution transformed manufacturing, introducing machines that automated production and unlocked unprecedented efficiencies. But in the last decade, the industrial manufacturing sector has encountered a new wave of challenges and disruptions. From fluctuating demand and rising costs to material…
¿Está atendiendo a los compradores de hoy con la tecnología de ayer?
La gestión de categorías ha llegado a un punto de inflexión. En un contexto volátil caracterizado por demandas y expectativas de los clientes que cambian rápidamente, precios en aumento, márgenes ajustados, inestabilidad constante en la cadena de suministro y una creciente complejidad en el cumplimiento…