Improving Livelihood during Crisis with Retail Forecasts
As with hand washing, what might be deemed standard needs to be reevaluated for quality in your forecasts. Even if you are not consistently managing your exceptions and tuning your forecasts right now, these critical set of steps will ensure the cleanliness and usefulness of your demand forecasts for the next week, month and year ahead.
The Inevitability of Warehouse Robots
Recently, while attempting to leave San Francisco International Airport, I found myself halted by the CAFEX coffee-making robot. Its glistening white arms moved with surprisingly organic fluidity, even attempting to gently swirl the cup’s contents. Instantly, I found myself in an internal social debate, „Is this the…
Mitigating the Impact of the Coronavirus on Supply Chains with Machine Learning and Real-Time Visibility
Blue Yonder understands the need for data to help our customers plan and respond to the supply chain not only in routine times, but also in times of crisis, such as now with the exponential spread of the Coronavirus (Covid-19).
The Future of Planning [Video]
In this video, Vikram Balasubramamian talks about the future of planning. A new world where in order to exceed increasing customer expectations, supply chain solutions must be more intelligent, predictive and capable of delivering to your customers when, how and where they want it. Like…
JDA Joins the Business Ethics Leadership Alliance
Corporate integrity, ethics and governance are key tenets of a strong, trusted relationship with our customers and partners. Today, JDA took that commitment a step further by joining Ethisphere’s Business Ethics Leadership Alliance (BELA) – a diverse group of 290+ globally recognized companies collaborating and…
What does the Super Bowl have in common with Sales and Operations Execution?
Find out in this short and fun video blog. Salim Shaikh, senior director in industry strategy at JDA, brings home the key differences between Sales & Operations Planning and Sales & Operations Execution with practical examples that serious and casual NFL football fans will relate…
Cross Functional Planning as a Way of (Business) Life
Remember the good old days when planning was something you did once a quarter just to make sure your annual plans were still on track? We don’t live in that world anymore. Today’s complex, global, customer-driven world requires all companies to be agile and responsive…
Key Takeaways from NRF 2020
Well, it’s that time of the year again – where we have the opportunity to unite with 40,000 of our closest retail friends and take a pulse on the industry. Now that the keynotes are complete, the booths are coming down, and we’ve all exhausted…
Leveraging AI to Minimize Markdowns [Video]
Artificial intelligence (AI) is changing the face of the markdown process today. By gathering real-time demand data — and combining it with data on current inventory levels and margin targets — AI-enabled solutions from JDA can replace permanent markdowns with short-term promotional prices that maximize…
4 Questions with IKEA Food’s Digital Transformation Leader, Lars Gunnarsson
NRF 2020 is right around the corner, and we are thrilled to highlight our customer IKEA Food in their digital transformation journey in our booth, 4237. We sat down with Lars Gunnarsson, deputy managing director and digital transformation leader, IKEA Food, to get a deeper…