Just How Resilient Is Your Supply Chain?
As supply chain professionals, we’re working in an environment of perpetual chaos. Costs are rising unabated. Labor shortages are only getting worse. Both consumer confidence and business confidence graphs look like rollercoasters. Global geopolitical tensions continue to rise. And a record-setting 27 separate weather- and climate-related disasters in the U.S….
Learn from the Experts: Three Best Practices of Leading LSPs
As I discussed in a previous blog, more retailers and manufacturers are turning to logistics services providers (LSPs) to manage their growing warehousing and transportation challenges — including rising costs, shrinking margins, labor shortages, and increasing customer demands. By applying advanced technologies and associated best…
Why Are Companies Turning to LSPs? Technology Leadership
It’s no secret that logistics margins are shrinking as operating costs continue to escalate. At the same time, customers have never been more demanding, creating tighter and tighter delivery schedules. Add in labor shortages, ongoing disruptions and sustainability pressures — and we’ve got possibly the…
Optimize Your Logistics, From the First Mile to the Last
Today’s logistics teams face enormous challenges. Fluctuating demand, coupled with an omni-channel selling environment, has driven higher volumes of smaller orders — as well as a great deal of day-to-day uncertainty. The “Amazon effect” continues to increase customer expectations for fast, low-cost delivery. Labor shortages…
Transportation Optimization: The Key to Weathering Droughts, Disasters and Other Disruptions
This blog was co-written by Chirag Modi, Corporate Vice President, Industry Strategy – Supply Chain Execution and 3PL Global Lead, and Jen McQuiston, Product Marketing Director. Global supply chains face many risks and disruptions, but increasingly those disruptions seem to be related to droughts, storms…
The Brave New World of Logistics: A Primer
Across every industry, there’s buzz about artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), automation, optimization engines, and other advanced technologies. But what do these terms mean for the logistics industry? Will self-driving trucks ever be a reality? What exactly is a data cloud? Should we be…